Betrayal | Brother Charlie Shamp

The act of Deicide, the murder of God, stands as the most egregious transgression ever committed by humanity. We, as a collective entity, were the architects of this abhorrent act, cursing and condemning the divine, subjecting Him to the agony of crucifixion. However, in a remarkable display of divine wisdom and grace, God transforms our treachery into a new covenant with Himself.

Contrary to common interpretation, the cross is not a symbol of humanity at the mercy of a wrathful God. Instead, it signifies the moment when God, in His boundless love, surrenders Himself to the fury of the very beings He created. He transforms our betrayal into an act of adoption, granting us the freedom to exist in a world where we may accept the lie of 'I am not,' but cannot deny the existence of the divine "I Am." The Father, in His unwavering love, never forsakes us.

Jesus, fully aware of the impending pain and suffering, willingly accepted the cross. His self-sacrifice was a testament to God's love for humanity, even in the face of betrayal. This act of redemption offers forgiveness and salvation to all who believe in Him.

In the face of betrayal, we often allow our circumstances to shape our identity. We wear our experiences like a badge, identifying as victims. However, we should instead adopt the identity of Christ, showing resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Just as Jesus was betrayed, the garden of Gethsemane symbolizes God's exploration into the depths of humanity's psyche - the mind of betrayal.

Jesus, even when betrayed, did not let it define Him. He remained unwavering in His mission, showing forgiveness and love even to those who betrayed Him. By adopting the identity of Christ, we can find strength and resilience in the face of betrayal, knowing that we are not alone and that God's love and grace are with us.

In conclusion, the act of Deicide, the murder of God, is indeed the most severe transgression ever committed. However, God, in His infinite wisdom and boundless love, transforms our betrayal into a new covenant with Himself. The cross signifies the moment when God places Himself in the hands of sinners, offering forgiveness and salvation. By adopting the identity of Christ, we can find strength and resilience in the face of betrayal, knowing that we are not defined by our circumstances but by our union with the divine. This divine union, born out of the gravest transgression, is the ultimate testament to the boundless love and grace of God.

-Brother Charlie Shamp