The Camels are Coming | Prophet Charlie Shamp

For two nights in a row I have had a reoccurring vision of Camels loaded down with blessings crossing the desert.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “The camels are coming with provisions for the weary. Those that have walked through the desert believing to reach their destiny are about to give birth.”

I saw these camels following in the footsteps of saints that had made their way through a hard season in life. I said, “Lord where are the camels heading?” I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “They are making their way to Bethlehem because there is about to be a birthing. They are heading to those that have been laboring in the unseen to see me move in the earth. These are the little places that seem insignificant and have even been passed by in seasons passed, they will experience my tangible presence (Emmanuel). They are about to be tremendously blessed by the overwhelming overflowing provision of heaven. Watch as outpourings will start in the most unlikely places and spaces. I’m sending my camels to the dry and weary ones.”

-Prophet Charlie Shamp