Sarah Huckabee Sanders | Prophet Charlie Shamp

The Word of the Lord came to me say concerning Sarah Huckabee Sanders,

"I have chosen you for a divine purpose in this critical time. You are unwavering in faith, integrity, and dedicated to standing for truth. I have seen your heart, pure and steadfast, and your commitment to righteousness has set you apart for my purposes.

I am now positioning you for a season of influence and impact. I will raise you up as a voice of truth and clarity, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. Your words will carry weight and authority in the nation, for I will anoint your voice with My power.

In the days to come, I will open doors for you in unexpected places. I will position you in a strategic position of leadership and influence within the political realm. Your voice will be heard, and your convictions will inspire others to stand firm in their faith.

You will be a catalyst for change, a vessel through which I will bring transformation to this nation. I will use you to bridge divides, to foster unity and understanding among diverse groups of people. Your ability to communicate with grace and compassion will break down barriers and bring healing to a divided nation.

Do not underestimate the impact of your words and actions. I will use you to champion causes that promote justice, compassion, and the sanctity of life. Your influence will extend to the most vulnerable in society, bringing about positive change and restoration.

As you continue to seek Me with all your heart, I will pour out My wisdom, discernment, and supernatural favor upon you. I will equip you with the necessary tools and resources to fulfill the purpose I have ordained for you. Trust in Me, for I am with you always.

Know that I have chosen you for such a time as this. I have called you to be a voice of hope and encouragement to the weary and downtrodden. Your life will be a testimony of My goodness and faithfulness, and through you, many will come to know Me.

Be strong and courageous, for I am your strength and your shield. Walk boldly on the path I have set before you, and I will guide your steps. You are chosen, beloved, and destined for greatness. The path is set before you, and you will answer the call when it comes.

Embrace the calling I have placed upon your life and watch as I use you to bring about My purposes in this nation."

-Prophet Charlie Shamp