The Chaos will be silenced | Prophet Charlie Shamp

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Listen to the words I speak to you during this season of adversity and chaos. Understand that the enemy is crafty and aims to distract you from entering the door of blessings and promises that I have prepared for you. Know that unexpected winds of adversity will come, striking in unexpected places. But do not fear, for I have given you a powerful weapon, which is the sword of my Spirit.

Rise up and use this spiritual weapon to cut through the demonic assignments that seek to hinder and discourage you. Do not be disheartened, for within these troubled winds, fresh winds of my Spirit will begin to blow. These are the opportunities that will arise amidst the chaos, to release my power and bring forth breakthroughs.

Take courage and persevere. Hold fast to the vision and faith that I have placed within your hearts. Act strategically, taking the next step in obedience to my guidance. As you do, you will witness the new breaking forth right before your eyes. Keep moving forward, never ceasing in your pursuit of the kingdom.

I am bringing forth a new wineskin, one that is designed to contain the fire of my Spirit, not just the ordinary wine of the past. Embrace this newness and be open to the unexpected ways in which I will move in your midst. Through this transformation, I will refine and empower you to carry my fire into the world.

Do not succumb to fear. Yes, things may become rough and turbulent, but I assure you that I will keep you safe in the midst of the storm. Even as you witness the entanglements and webs of deception in the realms of power, remember that I am at work to break the curses. Trust in my power and anointing, for I will guide you through these challenging times.

Therefore, be strong, be bold, and be filled with my Spirit. Walk in the authority I have given you, and know that I am always with you. Seize the fresh winds I am releasing in this season and watch as I bring forth my plans and purposes in and through you. Trust in me, for I am faithful to fulfill what I have spoken.”

-Prophet Charlie Shamp