Seers of the Deep | Prophet Charlie Shamp

A few nights ago, I found myself immersed in a captivating dream that felt incredibly real. In this vivid dream, I embarked on a journey down a dusty dirt road, accompanied by two extraordinary individuals - Bob Jones and Paul Cain.

As we strolled along the path, Bob and Paul revealed their intention to take me to a hidden place they frequented - a serene pond where they would impart their wisdom and teach me the art of swimming in the deep end. Excitement and anticipation coursed through my veins as I eagerly absorbed their every word.

However, amidst my growing enthusiasm, a wave of apprehension washed over me. I couldn't help but voice my concerns to my mentors. The depth of the pond and the lurking presence of snakes haunted my thoughts, threatening to dampen my spirits. Sensing my unease, Bob and Paul swiftly reassured me, their voices filled with unwavering confidence. They assured me that I possessed an innate ability to conquer the depths and that the pond was a sanctuary free from the slithering creatures that plagued my fears.

With their words of encouragement echoing in my mind, we finally arrived at the pond. Bob wasted no time in leading me to his favorite diving spot - a majestic rock that stood tall and proud, beckoning us to embrace its exhilarating plunge. As I ascended to the pinnacle, my eyes caught sight of another area nearby, adorned with soft sand, seemingly inviting divers to explore its depths. However, Bob's piercing gaze met mine, and he pointed emphatically, cautioning me never to dive from that alluring sand spot. His words carried an air of wisdom and authority, leaving no room for doubt.

Summoning every ounce of courage within me, I leaped from the towering rock, surrendering myself to the embrace of the cool, refreshing water. The sensation of freedom and liberation enveloped me as I effortlessly glided through the depths, guided by the teachings of Bob and Paul. Suddenly I was jolted awake, leaving me yearning for more.

This extraordinary dream has left an indelible mark on me, igniting a fire of curiosity and wonder. Its symbolism and hidden messages beckon me to unravel its secrets, urging me to dive deeper into the depths of what God is speaking in this season.

After carefully pondering the dream, I am thrilled to share some exhilarating takeaways with you.

As prophetic individuals, we are on the brink of stepping into an extraordinary era. The doors to the deeper realms of God swing wide open, beckoning us to enter fearlessly. Let us remember that fear has no place in our lives, for God has bestowed upon us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

Moreover, the dream vividly portrays the paramount importance of anchoring ourselves to the Rock, which symbolizes none other than the magnificent Christ Jesus. As beings with supernatural abilities, we may be enticed by alluring distractions, but let us be warned that they are nothing more than treacherous sinking sand. In my personal journey, I sense a profound connection between the legendary figures of Bob Jones and Paul Cain, who epitomize the legacy of the seer. The Holy Spirit yearns to impart to the upcoming generation the very essence of their spiritual prowess. Brace yourselves, for we are about to embark on a thrilling expedition where the Holy Spirit will unveil the profound mysteries of God.

In the face of any lingering doubts or hesitations, the Holy Spirit emphatically reassures us that numerous godly men have fearlessly traversed these spiritual waters before us. Therefore, we need not tremble in trepidation as we dive headfirst into these uncharted depths.

-Charlie Shamp