A Friend of God | Prophet Charlie Shamp

This is an extraordinary era of revelation and exploration, where the Lord is graciously unveiling His deepest secrets.

In a vivid dream, I found myself seated at an illustrious table, in the divine presence of the Lord Himself. His voice resonated with divine authority as He spoke directly to me, saying, "My son, it is to my trusted friends that I choose to divulge my most profound mysteries." With a gentle yet purposeful gesture, He placed in my hands a collection of books adorned with a platinum cover. His words echoed in my spirit, "Those who diligently follow the intricate patterns and meticulous blueprints I have laid before them shall never taste the bitter sting of failure.”

I beheld the books with an intensified focus, and to my astonishment, I discovered that each one bore the meticulously engraved names of those who carried the very heartbeat of God and safeguarded His sacred secrets upon the earthly realm. These were not ordinary individuals, but cherished confidants, handpicked by the divine to be custodians of His profound wisdom. As I traced my fingers over the elegant engravings, a surge of recognition coursed through me, for among the names were some of those I had met while they were alive.

I opened each book, and as the pages unfurled before my eyes, a revelation of extraordinary magnitude unfolded. I discerned a celestial pattern, a rhythm that these chosen ones had faithfully followed throughout their earthly lives. It was a symphony of existence, intricately woven and perfectly synchronized with the resounding melodies emanating from the very throne room of heaven. In that sacred moment, the words of Scripture took on a profound meaning, "The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry." It became clear that the Lord, in His divine omniscience, guided the vision of His beloved friends through the gaze of His all-seeing eyes.

A breathtaking revelation unfolded before me, as I witnessed the divine dance between the Father and His chosen ones. With every shift of His gaze, a symphony of new sounds reverberated, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors burst forth, and the very atmosphere quivered with the pulsating movements of the Holy Spirit. It was an awe-inspiring sight, for these extraordinary individuals moved in perfect harmony with the eyes of the Lord, their lives an intricate choreography, a celestial ballet with the Creator Himself. For indeed, "the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."

In the midst of that sacred encounter, a revelation washed over me, illuminating the truth that we too have been summoned to partake in this divine dance. The Lord, in His boundless grace, extends His hand to each of us, inviting us to join the esteemed ranks of His trusted friends. May we fully comprehend the magnitude of this humbling honor, the weighty responsibility it carries, and the exhilarating privilege it bestows upon us. With every fiber of our beings, let us wholeheartedly embrace this divine invitation, knowing that with His unwavering guidance and abiding presence, we will move in perfect synchrony with His celestial rhythm.

May the words you have read ignite a divine impartation within your spirit, opening the floodgates of revelation and encounter. May the veil between realms be lifted, allowing you to fully participate in the extraordinary offering before you. Let us fervently strive to be counted among those whose hearts burn with unwavering devotion to the Lord. May we align ourselves with His divine vision, surrendering to His watchful eyes that illuminate our path and empower our every step. As we yield to the divine dance, may our lives radiate with resplendent brilliance, a testament to the transformative power of friendship with the Almighty. May new melodies resound, unveiling vibrant hues, and may the very essence of the Spirit be unleashed through us, impacting and transforming the world around us.

-Charlie Shamp