The Number 70 | Prophet Charlie Shamp

In a recent dream, I found myself ensnared in the cold, unforgiving confines of a prison, located in a land far from my own. The air was thick with the palpable desperation of countless souls, their pleas for freedom echoing off the stone walls, a haunting symphony of despair. Yet, in a surreal twist, this prison was also an airport, a gateway to freedom tantalizingly within reach.

Clutching my passport, I approached the counter, my heart pounding with hope. The gate attendant, however, merely responded with a chilling laugh. His words, a cruel proclamation, echoed in my ears, "You don’t have a ticket with the right number to pass through these gates."

Defeated, I retreated, my steps heavy with sadness. But in that moment of despair, I turned to prayer. And then, like a beacon in the darkness, I heard the voice of the Lord. His words, a promise of salvation, resonated within me, "I will come to set my people free. Return to the desk to receive your liberty."

With renewed determination, I approached the desk once more, only to find the Lord standing there, a clipboard in His hand. I implored, “Lord, they told me that I need a specific number to pass through these gates and board the plane. I have my passport, but they refuse to give me my number.”

The Lord, with a serene smile, glanced down at His clipboard and declared, “I found it. Here you go!” I looked down, and there it was - the number 70. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I said to the Lord, “Thank you. Now we can all go free,” and tears began to stream down my face.

As I wept, I asked the Lord, “What is your name?” He replied, “Shanee!” The name Shanee means, Beautiful; God is gracious. With a heart full of hope, I walked through the gates and onto the plane. And then, just as suddenly as the dream had begun, I was awake.


In this captivating dream, the prison becomes a powerful symbol of the Church's struggle against the limitations, oppression, and challenges it faces in various aspects of its existence. Like a mighty fortress, the prison walls represent the societal pressures and persecutions that seek to confine and restrict the Church's influence.

But fear not, for amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope shines through the dream's portrayal of the airport. This bustling hub of transition and possibility signifies that the Church is standing at the precipice of change and transformation. Despite the difficulties it faces, there is an undeniable potential for unprecedented growth, advancement, and liberation.

However, the dream takes an unexpected turn as the Church is denied passage due to a lack of the correct number. This twist represents the vital need for the Church to align with God's divine plan and purpose in this crucial hour. It serves as a cautionary reminder that without proper preparation and adherence to spiritual principles, the Church may encounter formidable barriers and obstacles in the days to come.

Yet, amidst this challenge, a powerful message emerges. The act of fervent prayer and the resounding voice of the Lord reverberate through the dream, highlighting the critical importance of seeking God's guidance and wisdom in navigating the difficult path ahead. The number 70, bestowed by the Lord Himself, carries profound significance for the Church as a whole. It encapsulates a period of completion, fulfillment, and perfect spiritual order, suggesting that the Church stands on the threshold of a remarkable breakthrough or accomplishment in its divine mission.

Drawing from the depths of biblical symbolism, the number 70 echoes the ancient Israelites' captivity in Babylon for precisely 70 years, as proclaimed by the prophet Jeremiah. It serves as a reminder that even in times of captivity and adversity, God's redemptive power and grace abound.

Embracing this divine grace, the Church finds solace in the name Shanee, meaning "Beautiful; God is gracious." This powerful name serves as a constant reminder that amidst the trials and tribulations, God's grace and beauty remain present. It beckons the Church to rely wholeheartedly on His provision and guidance as it traverses the treacherous terrain ahead.

Finally, the dream culminates in a breathtaking moment as the Church triumphantly walks through the gates and boards the plane. This triumphant imagery symbolizes the Church's resolute determination to conquer obstacles and embark on a new season of unparalleled growth and spiritual advancement. It signifies a hopeful and progressive journey, where the Church emerges stronger, more resilient, and fully equipped to fulfill its divine purpose in the days ahead.

In conclusion, this dream serves as an empowering message of encouragement and divine guidance for the Church. It underscores the utmost importance of seeking God's direction, aligning with His will, and relying on His abundant grace to overcome challenges. With unwavering faith, the Church stands poised to step into a season of extraordinary transformation, where it will soar to new heights, fulfilling its divine destiny with unwavering strength and resilience.

-Charlie Shamp