The Journey to the Outpouring | Prophet Charlie Shamp

In the realm of dreams, I found myself in seated in the passenger seat of a luxurious classic Mercedes Benz. But what made this journey truly extraordinary was the presence of Jesus Himself, assuming the role of the Prophet. As we embarked on this ride, my youngest daughter was securely fastened in the back seat, bracing herself for the exhilarating twists and turns that lay ahead.

As we cruised along the winding road, our path was obstructed by fallen trees, imposing barriers that threatened to impede our progress. Yet, with divine finesse, the Lord skillfully maneuvered the car, navigating around each fallen obstacle. In those moments, His voice resonated with profound wisdom, proclaiming, "For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity."

Our journey continued, and with every passing mile, the Lord unveiled deeper insights into the prophetic ministry and the future trajectory of the Church. Finally, our expedition led us to a majestic home, a sprawling mansion. At its heart stood a colossal tree, its branches reaching towards the heavens. With an air of authority, the Lord declared, "This is my Father's house. Park the car and join me, for it is time to ascend to greater heights."

I executed the task of parking the car, ensuring its safe placement, before stepping into the beauty of the home. As I crossed the threshold, a breathtaking sight unfolded before my eyes. The Lord Himself had embarked on an ascent up the towering tree. His gaze met mine, and with a resolute tone, He declared, "We are ascending to the high place. In my Father's house, this tree is legacy, a testament to the enduring impact of those who have gone before us." Together, we embarked on this climb, scaling the heights of the tree, propelled by a sense of purpose and destiny.

At the pinnacle of this journey, a scene of profound significance awaited me. To my astonishment, my oldest son stood poised for a momentous occasion, surrounded by a gathering of vibrant youth, all eagerly anticipating their turn. A vast pool shimmered in the sunlight, beckoning them towards a transformative experience. The Lord's voice reverberated once more, resounding with power and authority, "Behold, there is a baptism of the prophets, a baptism of repentance. In the days to come, the Spirit will surge forth, igniting the hearts of sons and daughters, empowering them to prophesy and declare my truth!" With divine grace, the Lord immersed my son and the other young in the waters of this profound baptism, forever marking them as vessels of divine revelation.

As abruptly as the dream had begun, I found myself awakened. Yet, the impact of this extraordinary journey lingered within me, leaving me in awe.

I believe that this dream holds profound significance for the body of Christ, it offers us insights and encouragement for the journey that is ahead of us. Here are a few interpretations of various sections of the dream that I had.

1. Divine Guidance and Overcoming Obstacles: The presence of Jesus as the Prophet in the dream signifies that He is leading and guiding His Church. The fallen trees represent obstacles and challenges that the Church will encounter. However, the Lord's ability to navigate around them demonstrates His power to overcome any hindrances that may arise. The quote, "For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity," reminds the Church of the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

2. Prophetic Ministry and Future Direction: The Lord's sharing about the prophetic ministry and the future direction of the Church indicates that He desires to impart prophetic insight and revelation to His people. This highlights the need for the Church to be attentive to His voice and to seek His guidance as it moves forward.

3. The Father's House and Going Higher: The large home with the massive tree at its center represents the Father's house, symbolizing a place of spiritual significance and inheritance for the Church. The call to park the car carefully and enter the home signifies a time of preparation and readiness for the Church to ascend to higher levels of spiritual understanding, authority, and intimacy with God.

4. Climbing the Tree and Legacy: The ascent up the tree represents the Church's pursuit of spiritual growth and maturity. The Lord's statement that the tree stands for legacy emphasizes the importance of building a spiritual heritage and leaving a lasting impact for future generations.

5. Baptism of the Prophets and Prophetic Awakening: The baptism of the oldest son and the other youth in the dream signifies a coming move of the Spirit that will touch the sons and daughters of the Church. This baptism represents a purification and consecration, preparing them to operate in the prophetic anointing. It signifies a season of repentance and a fresh outpouring of prophetic revelation and declaration.

I believe that overall, this dream speaks to the Church's journey of overcoming obstacles that are coming, embracing divine guidance, and ascending to higher levels of spiritual authority and revelation. It also highlights the importance of prophetic ministry, legacy-building, and a forthcoming move of the Spirit that will ignite a prophetic awakening within the body of Christ. I sense that the Lord is encouraging the Church to be prepared, attentive, and responsive to the leading of the Lord as it moves forward in fulfilling its divine purpose in the coming days.

A move of the Spirit, particularly among the youth, is on the horizon, poised to unfold in an unprecedented and unexpected manner. This divine outpouring will surpass anything we have witnessed before.

-Charlie Shamp