Doctor Verified Miracle: Stage Four Liver Cancer Healed during meetings in Michigan!


I am so at awe at how God is still showing his Miraculous healing power and wonders!In 2013 I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. When I went to get set up with Chemo and radiation, the oncologist told me that they looked at the reports again and found that I did not have cancer. Praise God. A month ago, I was not feeling well so I had numerous of tests ran and was told that I had stage 4 liver cancer. I was also told that there was no way I was free of Pancreatic Cancer even though I was diagnosed with having a non-cancerous Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. I was truly in need of a miracle! One of my good friends sent me a text along with a Miracle and Healing flier of a service that you would be at in Detroit. I knew in my spirit that had to be there. So, I missed service at my home church and we drove from Cleveland, Ohio to be in attendance. During the service you called out that the Lord was healing a tumor and I knew it was me. You also prayed over me and told me that I would not have liver cancer. Last week I had major nuclear scans to rule it out. I did not share it with a lot of family and friends, because my faith had somewhat diminished. But, the bible says if I have faith the size of a mustard seed was good enough. So, I held on to that seed, prayer, and praise. My sisters and I went to the Cancer center yesterday to get the test results and it came back that I do not have Cancer! also, that the tumors would shrink with a once a month hormone injection. I believe that they will be completely gone when they check them again in 3 months. I just want to encourage someone to stay strong and keep the faith ( no matter the size) and God will show his self mighty in your life! I have always believed in Miracles even as a child. Now, I am a walking miracle once again. I thank you for being the vessel that God used to bring forth my healing!! May the Lord continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry! Dawn

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