Amazing Doctor Verified Miracle: South Africa

AMAZING DOCTOR VERIFIED MIRACLE!!! Hi Charlie, you prayed for me for a reconstructive miracle regarding a heart pacemaker in October 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa and declared that my heart was healed. I've been to the cardiologist this week (7 months later) and he confirmed through sonar and other electronic tests that during October last year the main wire (of 3) from the pacemaker to my heart disconnected itself for an unknown reason, resulting in the pacemaker not functioning properly and my heart thus effectively pumping without the assistance of the pacemaker since then. The cardiologist this week switched off the pacemaker and was amazed about the healing that took place, saying that he wonder if it was really necessary to fit the pacemaker in the first instance by another cardiologist in Cape Town 7 years ago, without doubting his professional judgement. The cardiologist is careful to remove the heart pacemaker, saying "it may be necessary again in future". I trust God to remove the heart pacemaker miraculously from my body and to give me a brand new heart. I hereby give God all the honor, glory and praise for healing my heart and for what He did and is still doing in my life. I also praise God for you and your ministry and the gifts He entrusted you with Charlie Shamp. Love, Gerhard Kemp, Pretoria, South Africa
